Warts and all ...
Warts, small noncancerous growths on your skin, are caused by the human papilloma virus.Warts are an extremely common problem, and good that we have many natural ways to make warts go away.
Once again, look around your garden and you may have the right herb or plant growing at your doorstep.
I have to admit I had some warts as a kid and was subjected to an array of natural strange treatments.
The first remedy my mum always instructed me on using was to break off a dandelion flower and dap the broken stem with the milky sap onto a wart on my hand. I think, it sometimes worked, yes, but sometimes they seemed to re-appear on another spot on my hand. The trick obviously was to do it everyday for a prolonged time.
Actually, Dandelion sap has been recommended as a wart cure since at least the late 1700s.
The next trick, in case the dandelion didn't work was to take a specific kind of big black snail and let it move over the wart. I wasn't really font of that at all. I think it worked only because I had an aversion against the snail treatment and wanted it to stop.
Next in line was my grandmother, she was special, and a bit of a herbalist and even could speak warts and other afflictions away. She was well known as a Wart and Shingles Charmer. You may find it hard to believe, but even Doctors in the neighborhood recommended my granny to patients with Shingles ( herpes zoster ). Shingles is a painful afflictions and patients willingly tried everything to get rid of it, and it seemed to work.
Today..... I find it interesting that my grandmother talked away afflictions which seemed to be based on viruses.
Her treatment was obviously some kind of faith healing, and in my case it definitely worked. She talked all my warts away. But she combined it with an interesting type of herbal treatment.
As I recall, I had to wait till the full moon was out, sitting on a window and I had to say a specific rhyme, sorry can't remember, but that was not all ... I had to wave a little twig of Rosemary around my hand as well. And that was not all either, and even so my warts disappeared, I had to do the same thing again one month later, but this time just sitting on the window waving the Rosemary.
Obviously, as a kid, I had no idea what was going on at all, I simply believed my granny and that was it. Today, I think there was actually more to the treatment than just faith healing.
Having studied Hypnosis and NLP - Neuro Linguistic programming, many moons ago, I realized that my grannie used one of the most powerful anchors to stimulate my senses and with that repeated the whole treatment and installed faith simply with the aid of a strong aroma. I don't think it was important that it was Rosemary, what was needed was just a powerful aroma.
In case any of you are unsure what an anchor is, it is simply something which you remember with any one of your senses, and which will bring you back to a memory of an actual or suggested memory.
Years ago, a good example to explain, was the blackboard at school, and someone scraping the fingernails down the board. If this makes you still react, you know what an anchor is. I think today they don't have blackboards at schools anymore, probably all white boards or computer based gadgets :-)
Another good example is, just imagine biting into a lemon, does that make you react somehow? OK.. that's an anchor.
The strongest anchors work with the sense of smell.
What beats me, how did my grandmother know this, or was it pure intuition?
And to finish this long story, my granny wanted to pass that knowledge on to my dad, esp. the spell for the Shingles. That spell had to be applied in person, and was not permitted to be passed on to the patient or to be spoken, and if it would be passed on wrongly, one would forget the spell, it would be lost forever.
My granny passed it on to my dad, but he didn't really believed in it, and when someone came to him for a shingle treatment, my dad just told him the spell, and guess what, it didn't work and after that my dad couldn't remember the spell anymore..
.. isn't that a nice story ..:-) it's true ...
Now, I think someone should research faith healing in combination with NLP type of anchors .. I think that could be developed into a real treatment ..
Back to warts, these days freezing or laser treatment probably works best, but although highly contagious and recurrent, skin warts appear harmless and respond well to herbal remedies.
Herbal Remedy
MilkweedMy herb of choice to treat, would be Milkweed, and like dandelion, milkweed has a milky fluid that works well when applied to the wart two or three times a day.
Milkweed comes under many different names, such as:
Radium weed , Petty Spurge and Cancer Weed, and yes, it is used for sunspot skin cancers, works well ... the Latin name is:
Euphorbia peplus, and the stem when broken produces a milky corrosive sap used to burn off warts or sun spots.
Fresh aloe gel can be applied to aid healing.
.... let us know your favorite wart healing remedy ...
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